WikiLeaks & Co - whistleblowing platforms and their impact on the public
Arbeitsblätter "Englisch - aktuell"
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- Typ:
- Arbeitsblätter
- Umfang:
- 7 Seiten (0,2 MB)
- Verlag:
- School-Scout
- Auflage:
- 2011
- Fächer:
- Englisch
- Klassen:
- 9-13
- Schulform:
- Gymnasium, Realschule
This work sheet informs about Internet platforms like WikiLeaks, which continuously drew the attention to publications of secret US government documents within the last months.
Whistleblowing platforms and their influence are subjects of controversial discussion. This material gives an overview of the information released by WikiLeaks & Co and on different opinions related to whistleblowing.
- WikiLeaks & Co: terms and definitions
- The documents
- Influence on the public
- WikiLeaks vs. OpenLeaks
- Optional tasks and solutions