The Presidents of the U.S.A.
Arbeitsblätter Landeskunde Englisch
- Typ:
- Arbeitsblätter
- Umfang:
- 9 Seiten (3,2 MB)
- Verlag:
- School-Scout
- Auflage:
- (2012)
- Fächer:
- Englisch
- Klassen:
- 9-13
- Schulform:
- Gymnasium
This worksheet gives an overview of the 44 Presidents of the U.S.A. – including names, terms and a short description of each President.
Creative Tasks, including a picture puzzle and a quiz
Solutions to the tasks
Diese aktuellen Arbeitsblätter sind Teil des Stationenlernens Politics in the USA – Presidential Elections, Domestic Affairs and Foreign Interests..
- Overview of the Presidents of the USA – including names, terms and a short description of each President
- Creative Tasks
- Solutions