Lektüren im Unterricht: "Death of a Salesman" von Arthur Miller

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Lektüren im Unterricht: "Death of a Salesman" von Arthur Miller

Literatur fertig für den Unterricht aufbereitet

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51 Seiten (0,5 MB)

“Lektüren im Unterricht” gibt Ihnen alle notwendigen Unterrichtshilfen und Arbeitsblätter an die Hand, um Arthur Millers Drama “Death of a Salesman” im Unterricht zu erarbeiten. Die Lernenden werden bestmöglich auf die Analyse dieses Standardwerks vorbereitet. Im Fokus steht die weitgehend selbstorganisierte Erarbeitung der Lektüre.

Dies Unterrichtsmaterial bietet umfangreiche und didaktisch aufbereitete Arbeitsblätter sowie Kopiervorlagen für den direkten Einsatz in verschiedenen Phasen der Lektürearbeit. Ein strukturierter und differenzierter Leseprozess wird dadurch angeleitet, die weitere Bearbeitung im Unterricht maßgeblich erleichtert. Aufgaben zur Interpretation leiten gezielt bei der Erarbeitung des Dramas “Death of a Salesman” an, die durch eine genaue Inhaltsangabe sowie tiefergehende Charakterisierungen unterstützt wird.


  • Aspects, understanding and possibilities
  • Main themes to explore in lessons
  • Exam Prep Suggestions
  • Teaching recommendation
  • Death of a Salesman Book Report
  • Order of Plot Events
  • Theme Exploration
  • Character Analysis of Death of a Salesman
  • Conflict in Death of a Salesman
  • Symbolism Chart
  • Willy Loman’s Last words
  • Story Writing
  • Writer‘s Intensions & Viewpoint


“Death of a Salesman“ – Social critism through drama

Arthur Miller’s tragedy, Death of a Salesman, is a play made up of two acts that ends with a Requiem. Having won a Pulitzer Prize among others, in 1949, it is still hailed as one of the masterpieces of modern American dramas even to this day.

The play primarily focuses on the so called “American Dream”, critically reflecting on its influences on the American society, and showing the faults in American national values. The author also displays his obvious disapproval towards the man-eat-man aspect of capitalism that renders a common man dispensable, and towards mass consumerism that leads people into equating success with material wealth and goods, than with good education, good morals, and healthy family relationships.

By using the narrative device of flashbacks throughout the play, Miller introduces the readers to protagonist Willy’s past. These flashbacks play a big role in providing insight into Willy’s life, principles and his, as well as the American society’s, psyche.

Modern Tragedy

Death of a Salesman would basically fall into the genre of modern tragedy. Whereas in a Classical tragedy the protagonist was always of noble birth, such as a King, modern tragedy revolves often around ordinary people and their sufferings. Due to being ordinary themselves, the readers or the audience are apt to identify well with the characters and empathize with them.

Willy Loman does not possess a high social status, nor any noble qualities. He does however, have tragic flaws like the protagonists of Classical tragedies that lead him to his ultimate death, his self-deception and false idealism/ambitions.

Prior to reading

Before beginning to read the play, it is recommended to make sure students are familiar enough with the characteristic of this form of literature, the particular genre and the context of the play in order to understand the specific details. Therefore, it might also be a good idea to go over or brainstorm student’s prior knowledge on the themes appearing in the play, and their personal experience and opinions about issues such as consumerism, materialism, family, success, ambition etc. This will give students something to think about when they start reading and they will be able to understand the pressures and conflicts the characters face.

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