The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Textanalyse und Interpretation in englischer Sprache

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Textanalyse und Interpretation in englischer Sprache

Interpretation / Lernhilfe
156 Seiten (0,9 MB)
C. Bange
Alexie, Sherman
180 g
3 (2022)

Abiturempfehlung zu den Themebereichen Growing up und Native Americans: Die Interpretation zu Sherman Alexie: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian in englischer Sprache ist eine verlässliche und bewährte Textanalyse und Interpretationshilfe für Schüler und weiterführende Informationsquelle für Lehrer und andere Interessierte.

Verständlich, übersichtlich und prägnant. Mithilfe der ausführlichen Inhaltsangabe, Informationen zu Leben und Werk des Autors, zur Textanalyse und Textinterpretation sowie Abituraufgaben mit Lösungstipps sind Schüler fundiert und umfassend vorbereitet auf Abitur, Matura, Klausuren und Referate zu diesem Thema.


  • Foreword – At a glance
  • Sherman Alexie: Öife & works
    • Biografy
    • Contemporary background
      • Indian versus Native American
      • Life on the reservations
      • Spokane
      • Alcohol
    • Notes on other important works
  • Analyses and interpretations
    • Origins and sources
    • Summaries
      • The Black-Eye-of-the-Month Club
      • Why Chicken Means So Much to Me
      • Revenge Is My Middle Name
      • Because Geometry Is Not a Country Somewhere Near France
      • Hope Against Hope
      • Go Means Go
      • Rowdy Sings the Blues
      • How to Fight Monsters
      • Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice
      • Tears of a Clown
      • Halloween
      • Slouching Toward Thanksgiving
      • My Sister Sends Me an E-Mail
      • Thanksgiving
      • Hunger Pains
      • Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love
      • Dance, Dance, Dance
      • Don’t Trust Your Computer
      • My Sister Sends Me a Letter
      • Reindeer Games
      • And a Partridge In a Pear Tree
      • Red Versus White
      • Wake
      • Valentine Heart
      • In Like a Lion
      • Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion About Basketball
      • Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses
      • My Final Freshman Year Report Card
      • Remembering
      • Talking About Turtles
    • Structure
      • Introductory
      • Transition
      • Basketball
      • Death, grief and hope
      • Reconciliation
    • Characters
      • Arnold “Junior” Spirit
      • Junior’s family
      • Rowdy
      • Mr. P
      • Other characters on the reservation
      • Penelope
      • Gordy
      • Roger
      • Coach
      • The teachers at Reardan high school
    • Themes
      • Identity
      • Positivity
      • Life on the reservation
    • Style and language
      • The illustrations
    • Approaches to interpretation
      • Autobiography and “reservation realism”
      • Young Adult ?ction
      • “Issues”
      • Multiculturalism/Colonial literature
  • Critical reception
  • Materials
  • Sample exam questions and answers
  • Sources & references

*Zitierte Ausgabe: Alexie, Sherman: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, 2009.

Note: All page references are to the Klett English Edition of the novel (ISBN 978-3-12-578042-2) and refer to the page and line numbers: for example, 191.25 is line 25 on page 191.*

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