Cross Curriculum Creativity - Biology - Book 4: Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish

Biologie bilingual Vögel, Reptilien, Amphibien und Fische

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Cross Curriculum Creativity - Biology - Book 4: Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish

Biologie bilingual Vögel, Reptilien, Amphibien und Fische

97 Seiten (14,1 MB)
Lemberger Group
Fierling, Sandra / Machotka, Sheena
7 (2009)
Hauptschule, Gymnasium, Realschule

Unterrichtsmaterialien zu Vögeln, Reptilien, Amphienen und Fischen für den bilingualen Biologieunterricht.
Entlastet LehrerInnen – verkürzt die Vorbereitungsarbeit auf ein Minimum

  • anschaulich aufbereitete Grundinformationen
  • praxiserprobt und lebensnah
  • vielfältige Grafiken und Kopiervorlagen
  • für Freiarbeit und leistungsdifferenzierten Unterricht

For instant use!

Inhalt / Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Birds Information Sheet
    • Bird Basics
  • Birds Flight and Feathers Information Sheet (2)
    • Birds of a Feather
    • Birds – Flight and Feathers
    • A Bird Mobile for Your Classroom
  • Poultry – the Domestic Chicken Information Sheet
    • Which Came First – the Chicken or the Egg – Info
    • The Chicken and the Egg
    • The Chicken
    • Poultry Puzzle
  • Bird Song and Bird Talk Information Sheet
    • Scrambled Songbirds
    • Bird Search (2)
    • Five Mockingbirds, Scores
    • Lyrics
    • Song Bird Search
    • Blackbird Bungles
  • Waterfowl Information Sheet (2)
    • A Water Wizard
    • Ducks, Swans and Geese – Info
    • Magic Waterfowl Square
    • Birds of Prey
    • The Woodpecker – a Good Climber
  • Bird Migration Information Sheet
    • Migrating Birds
    • The Swallow
  • Breeding Information Sheet
    • Breeding Bloomers
    • The Cuckoo Quiz
    • Cuckoo and Blackbird Quiz (2)
    • Helping Birds in Winter
    • Brave Birds
    • Bird Bits
    • All About Birds
    • Biology Bird Quiz Cards
    • Bird Quiz
  • Lizards Information Sheet
    • Lizards
    • Austrian Lizards
  • Snakes Information Sheet
    • The Simple Snake
    • The Swallowing Snake
    • Austrian Snakes
    • Snakes
  • Amphibians, Frogs and Toads Information Sheet
    • How Frogs Develop
    • The Life Cycle of a Frog
    • Frogs and Toads
    • Fish Facts Information Sheet (2)
    • Fishy Facts – Inside and Outside
    • Comparing Carp and Trout – Info
    • Fishy Tales
    • Funny Fish
    • Fussy Fish (3)
  • Vertebrates and “Family Trees” Information Sheet
    • Family Trees
    • Classy Vertebrates
    • The Grouping Grid
    • Various Vertebrates
    • Backbone – Yes or No?
    • The Grouping Grid (blank)
    • Vertebrate Revision I
    • Vertebrate Revision II
    • Animals in Danger – They Need our Help
    • Keep our Environment Clean
    • Biology Quiz Cards
    • Amphibians, Reptiles, Fish Quiz
    • Biology Quiz (blank)
    • Biology Quiz (Chart) (blank)
    • Biology Word search (blank)
  • Solutions
  • Dictionary

Welcome to Bilingual Biology. You will find information sheets for teachers, worksheets for your students, worksheets for quizzes and blank worksheets for your own ideas. There is a dictionary at the end of the book, as well as solutions to the worksheets.
This book is based on the Core Curriculum and you will find in it the birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish the children need to know about. Most of the worksheets are graded. You will therefore be able to individualize your lessons, giving out simple or more advanced worksheets to your students and/or making your own worksheets with the information provided.
Everyone teaches in their own particular style and we would just like to give you some ideas that we have found useful in our own situations. A bi-lingual vocabulary book can be a useful item for students to have. Another idea is to have this at the end of their biology notebook although this is more temporary as they are constantly filling up their notebooks and having to acquire new ones. Especially in biology, vocabulary is important and necessary. Making posters for your class about animals in English is always a very nice activity and posters in the classroom certainly anchor the English presence in the room. You will also see an empty quiz chart at the end of the worksheets. We have used this to constantly revise the children’s knowledge in a fun way. Asking each child one question per lesson/week, for example, doesn’t take up much time and can
be a valuable revision guide for the whole class.
Although this book is only concerned with Austrian animals, other birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish may be found in our Geography series.

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